This project work is on the causes and effects of unemployment in Nigerian economy. A case study of Egor Local Government Area of Edo state. The need for this study comes up because of the alarming number of the unemployed people in the country. Concerning methodology, the researcher used the unemployed people questionnaire which was administered to the respondents and were completed on the spot and collected by the researcher and transformed into frequencies with the use of simple percentages the study observed that unemployment brings about hardship in Egor local government area of Edo state, it brings about decrease the national output as a research of the wastage of human resources and unemployment bring about frustration among the people of Edo state where by those who are qualified cannot get job. Based on this finding, the following recommendations are made o assist government reduce high rate of unemployment. Some of this recommendation is as follows; government should create job opportunity thereby establishing so many industries to cater for the people government should mobilize private or foreign investors to invest in the country.